Monday, 30/08/2010 20:11

New SECC deadline

In reference to the announcement of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia of Cambodia (“SECC”) No. 238 SECC/S.Ch.N date on July 06, 2010 on Receiving Application of Registration of Securities Registrar, Securities Transfer Agent, and Paying Agent, SECC would like to make a public announcement that the deadline of receiving the application for the registration of Securities Registrar, Securities Transfer Agent, and Paying Agent is set by September 15, 2010 at 17:00.

Firms should be commercial companies registered in Cambodia. A registrar or transfer agent would need to be able to deposit 200 million riels (US$47,000), and a paying agent would deposit 500 million riels ($117,650).

Therefore, interested person shall submit the application for above mentioned accreditation to Department of Securities Market Supervision (DSMS), SECC, located at No.99, Street 598, Sen Sok District, Phnom Penh.

For further details, please contact us via Phone number: 023 885 611, Fax number: 023 885 622 or via Email:

Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia

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>   SECC: Public consultation on the new draft prakas (02/08/2010)

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