Monday, 02/08/2010 18:17

SECC: Public consultation on the new draft prakas

(Vietstock) – Although the stock market opening was delayed to July 2011, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC) has still continued its preparations for the opening of the country’s first bourse. Particularly, SECC would hold an public consultation on the new draft prakas on Implementation of Financial Reporting Standards for Issuers on August 05, 2010.

Under the contents of Agenda, H.E. Ngy Tayi, Secretary of State Ministry of Economy and Finance and Chairman of National Accounting Council, would give remark opening after remarking by H.E. MING Bankosal Director General of Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia.

Next, Mr. CHHUN Sambath, Director of Securities Issuances Supervision Department of SECC, would present the draft prakas on “Implementation of Financial Reporting Standards for Issuers”. And the rest of public consultation, participants would discussed about draft prakas.

The public consultation would be held on August 05 2010 at Sunway hotel, which was at No.1, Street 92, Sangkat Wat Phnom, Phnom Penh, Campuchia. (It was 15 kilometre far from the Pochentong international airport and near the city centre.)

Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia

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