MHL: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2010
Minh Huu Lien JSC has disclosed the results of its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 07/05/2010. The following resolutions were approved:
1. Result of 2009
2. 2010 Plan of revenue and profit
3. Profit distribution and divident payment of 2010
4. Payment for BOD and Supervisory Board
5. Choosing Audit company of 2010
6. Plan of Tender offering for outstanding shareholders and Using plan of the increasing capital
7. Listing additional shares
8. Assigning BOD to implement the procedures of additional issue
9. Changing business registration of increasing Charter Capital
10. Electing:
* BOD: elect Mr. Khuu Kim Hoa to be Director in place of Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai
* Supervisory Board: elect Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoang Van to be Member in place of Mr. Luong Tuan Minh.