LBE: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2010
Long An Book and Educational Equipment JSC has disclosed the results of its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 29/04/2010. The following resolutions were approved:
1. Result of 2009
* Revenue: VND 61,086,857,801
* Profit before tax: VND 1,234,799,786
* Income tax payable: VND 115,457,515
2. 2009 Plan of Profit distribution
* Deduction of income tax added to fund of investment & development: VND 147,810,639
* Profit after tax: VND 971,531,632
* Fund of Welfare and Reward (14%): VND 136,014,428
* Dividend payment (8%): VND 876,720,000
3. 2009 Reports of BOD and Supervisory Board
4. Plan of 2010
* Revenue: VND 50,000,000,000
* Profit before tax: VND 2,350,000,000
* Expenses: VND 4,400,000,000
* Dividend payment (%): 10
5. Payment of BOD and Supervisory Board (2010 – 2014)
· Chair of the Board (VND/month): 1,200,000
· Deputy Chair of the Board (VND/month): 1,000,000
· Directors (VND/month): 800,000
· Chief of Supervisory Board (VND/month): 800,000
· Members of Supervisory Board (VND/month): 400,000
· Secretary (VND/month): 700,000
6. Electing BOD and Supervisory Board (2010 – 2014)
Board of Directors
* Mr. Nguyen Van Van: Chair of the BOD
* Mr. Nguyen Van Ngoi: Director
* Mr. Dang Trung Truc: Director
* Ms. Tran Thi Thuy Linh: Director
* Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhin: Director
Supervisory Board
* Mr. Nguyen Van Ho: Chief of Supervisory Board
* Mr. Bui Van Huynh: Member
* Ms. Le Nguyet Xuan: Member
7. Choosing Auditing and Accounting Company Ltd (ACC) for 2010
8. Selling the building of Tan An General supermarket
9. Changing Charter of Company:
Article 2 Item 4: Manager or General Manager is Company’s representative before the law.