MMC: Results of share repurchase for Treasury stock
HaSTC reported results of share repurchase for Treasury stock as follows:
1. Name of issuer: Manganese Mineral JSC
2. Head Office: Phu Loc village, Can Loc, Ha Tinh province
3. Telephone: 039840195 Fax: 039840195
4. Stock code : MMC
5. Securities type: Common stock
6. Number of treasury shares before repurchase: 16,785 shares
7. Number of shares registered for repurchase: 30,000 shares
8. Purpose: For Treasury Stock
9. Number of shares repurchased: 11,200 shares
10. Total number of treasury shares after repurchase: 28,075 shares
11. Reason for not repurchasing all registered shares:
+ The Company is building Bac Son factory, more capital is needed
+ The stock market was not favourable for financial investment
12. Time for repurchase: from 27/11/2008 to 27/12/2008