HASTC Notice: First trading day of TBX
HaSTC notices the first trading day of TBX as follows:
- Name of the issuer: Thai Binh Cement JSC
- Stock code: TBX
- Securities type: common stock
- Par value: VND 10,000/share
- Total listed volume: 1,011,400 shares
- Total listed par value: VND 10,114,000,000
- First trading date: 18/11/2008
> VBH: Explanation for differences in Financial Statement (04/11/2008)
> SDD: Notice of transactions of principal shareholders (04/11/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Official Admission of additional listing of ACB (04/11/2008)
> Vietnam Securities Depository: Notice of Depository of MIC for additional securities registration (04/11/2008)
> L62: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (04/11/2008)
> BLF: Explanation for operating income in QIII - 2008 (04/11/2008)
> LSS: Insider trading (Lam Son Sugar Association) (04/11/2008)
> LSS: Lasuco JSC to buy back stock (04/11/2008)
> TNC: Trading result (Mrs Chau Thi Hong Diep) (04/11/2008)
> TPC: Tan Dai Hung to buy back stock (04/11/2008)