LSS: Insider trading (Lam Son Sugar Association)
Lamson Sugar Joint Stock Corporation (LASUCO JSC) has disclosed insider trading as follows:
* Stock symbol: LSS
* Trader: Lam Son Sugar Association
* Having relation to: Mr. Le Van Tam, the BOD Chairman of LASUCO JSC
* Owning volume before trading: 2,000,000 shares (6.66 %)
* Volume registered to sell: 508,580 shares (from October 02nd to December 30th, 2008)
* Volume decided not to sell: 508,580 shares (because of not gaining the expected price)
* Current owning volume: 2,000,000 shares (6.66%)
* Volume registered to buy: 150,000 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 2,150,000 shares (7.16%)
* Estimated trading period: from November 05, 2008 to December 30, 2009