VSP: Board resolution
On 21/10/2008, the following resolutions of VINASHIN Petroleum Investment and Transport JSC were duly passed:
1. Additionally list 2,070,000 shares in the placement to pay 2007 dividend by shares on HASTC. The Board of directors is authorized to decide additional listing of the shares on HOSE in case the additional listing and moving the listing are at the same time.
2. Delist on HASTC to move to list on HOSE.
3. Place with VND 341.3 bil. to increase the Company’s charter capital from VND 158.7 bil. to VND 500 bil. as follows:
3.1 Stage 1: Public offerring
- Placing maximum 21,424,500 shares as bonus shares of 2008 with outstanding shareholders with exercise rate 100:135. Resource comes from the accumulated profits.
- Placing maximum 3,174,000 shares with outstanding shareholders with exercise rate 10:2 at the price of VND 30,000/share.
- Placing 790,000 shares for the staff in the the selective and talent attracting program. Resource comes from the bonus and welfare fund. The Board of directors is authorized to approve detailed plan (including criteria, eligibilities, and list of employees basing on a proposal of the manager.)
- Shares placed with outstanding shareholders are counted to unit digit and the Board of directors is authorized to decide the odd share settlement.
3.2 Stage 2: Private placement with strategic partners
- Placing 8,741,500 shares with strategic shareholders at the price no less than the price offerred to outstanding shareholders. The Board of directors is authorized to select strategic shareholders, draw up and implement specific plan of the offering (price, restricted eligibilities, plan for unsuccessful offering shares.)
3.3. The Board of Directors is authorized to draw up the detailed placement plan, choose an appropriate time, decide relevant matters and do neccesary procedures for the placement in the resolution.