SGC: Trading result (BOD member Pham Thanh Hung)
Sagiang Import-Export Corporation has announced insider trading as follows:
* Stock symbol: SGC
* Trader: Mr. Pham Thanh Hung
* Position in the listed firm: Member of the Board of Directors
* Owning volume before trading: 79,800 shares (1.71%)
* Volume registered to buy: 50,000 shares
* Bought volume: 50,000 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 129,800 shares (2.78%)
* Trading period: from 09/19/2008 to 10/20/2008
> IMP: Insider trading (Nguyen Quoc Dinh) (24/10/2008)
> VINCOMSC: Relocates the order-receiving agency (24/10/2008)
> AGRISECO: Sets up branch (24/10/2008)
> FPTS: Sets up order-receiving agency (24/10/2008)
> IRS: Sets up order-receiving agency (24/10/2008)
> CII: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)
> LAF: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)
> TDH: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)
> SGT: Receive the award VietGames 2008 (24/10/2008)
> TS4: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)