LAF: Trading Result of Major Shareholder
The following is the trading result of a major shareholder of Long An Food Processing Export Joint Stock Company:
* Stock symbol: LAF
* Trader: Citigroup Global Market Financial Products Ltd (CGMFP)
* Owning volume before trading: 486,720 shares (8.39 %)
* Sold volume: 93,500 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 393,220 shares (6.78 %)
* Trading day: October 13, 2008
> TDH: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)
> SGT: Receive the award VietGames 2008 (24/10/2008)
> TS4: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)
> MVFM: Change of contact number (24/10/2008)
> VTO: Extension for submitting the financial statement Q3 (24/10/2008)
> Have some faith in domestic stock investors: expert (24/10/2008)
> PVFC gets okay to list on southern bourse (24/10/2008)
> SJE_Financial Statement in brief QIII.2008 (24/10/2008)
> SJC_Financial Statement in brief QIII.2008 (24/10/2008)
> First trading day of additional SD2 (23/10/2008)