AGRISECO: Sets up branch
Agribank Securities Company Ltd.(AGRISECO) sets up the branch at Danang as follows:
* Branch name: Agribank Securities Company Ltd.- Danang Branch
* Address: Agribank Building, No.228, 3/2 Street, Hoa Cuong Ward, Hai Chau Dist., Danang City.
* Business: Customers trading; Securities depository
* Head of the branch: Mr. Nguyen Kim Hau
> FPTS: Sets up order-receiving agency (24/10/2008)
> IRS: Sets up order-receiving agency (24/10/2008)
> CII: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)
> LAF: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)
> TDH: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)
> SGT: Receive the award VietGames 2008 (24/10/2008)
> TS4: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (24/10/2008)
> MVFM: Change of contact number (24/10/2008)
> VTO: Extension for submitting the financial statement Q3 (24/10/2008)
> Have some faith in domestic stock investors: expert (24/10/2008)