NHC: Record date for dividend payment and bonus shares
HOSE announces the record date for advanced payment of dividend for the first time 2008 and the remaining dividend 2007, issuance of bonus shares to exisiting shareholders and doing a ballot as follows:
Name of the listed firm: Nhi Hiep Brick-Tile Joint Stock Company (BRICO)
Stock symbol: NHC
Stock type: Common stock
Par value: VND10,000
Ex-right date: 15/10/2008
Record date: 17/10/2008
1. A ballot:
* To get approval for listing additionally-issued bonus shares, not building the Nhi Hiep 2 brick plant and selling the land of 4.5 hectares at Tan Uyen Dist., Binh Duong Province. This amount will be invested to the project of clay mine at Phu Giao Dist. or Ben Cat Dist., Binh Duong Province in accordance with the resolution of the BOD dated August 9th 2008.
* Time of a ballot: from 01/11/2008 to 15/11/2008
2. Issuing bonus shares to existing shareholders (from profit exempted 50% of tax):
* Expected issuing volume: 85,491 shares
* Exercise ratio: 100:6 (on the record date, a shareholder who owns 100 shares will receive 6 bonus shares). The number of bonus shares is rounded in unit.
For exemple: On the record date, shareholder A who owns 120 shares will receive 7.2 bonus shares. After being rounded in unit, he actually receives 7 shares.
* The right of receiving bonus shares is not transferable. The number of bonus shares is not limited to transfer.
* Expected trading date: November 30th 2008
3. Advanced payment of dividend for the 1st time 2008 and the remaining dividend 2007 (in cash):
* Pay-out ratio: 30%/par value (VND3,000/share)
* Implementation date: November 4th 2008
* Implementation place:
+ Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: at the securities firms where shares have been deposited.
+ Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: at BRICO, DT 743, Binh Thang Commune, Di An Dist., Binh Duong Province.
Viet Nam Securities Depository – Hochiminh Branch will temporarily suspend the depository activities for NHC on October 16th, 17th & 20th 2008.