PPC: Trading Result of Major Shareholder
The following is the trading result of major shareholders of Pha Lai Thermal Joint-stock Company:
* Stock symbol: PPC
* Trader: - Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaf
- Deutsche Asset Management (Asia) Ltd.
* Owning volume before trading: 15,973,583 shares (4.90 %)
* Bought volume: 365,970 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 16,339,553 shares (5.01 %)
* Trading day: September 25, 2008
> GIL: Set up a garment plant (06/10/2008)
> Asia Huu Lien: Approval in principle for listing (06/10/2008)
> TS4: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (06/10/2008)
> PAC: Business result in the first 9 months 2008 (06/10/2008)
> FBT: Violation of the affiliated person (06/10/2008)
> Mytra hotel: Notice of auction (IPO) (06/10/2008)
> Vietnam Securities Depository: Notice of Securities Depository of L61 (06/10/2008)
> Financial meltdown spurs stock slump (06/10/2008)
> SSC proposes jumping on global anti-crisis bandwagon (06/10/2008)
> Stock market ends volatile week with fall (04/10/2008)