ALT: Explanation for business activities of quarter 3/2008
Alta Company (ALT) explained its business activities in quarter 3/2008 as follows:
- Profit after tax in quarter 3/2008 decreased by 17.7% against last quarter due to following reasons:
- Input expenses increased a lot in this quarter, but the company decided to maintain a low rate of increase in selling price to keep contract with their customers, thus net profit decreased by 6.1% against last quarter. However, the company got contracts from both domestic and overseas customers. In total, net sales increased by 8.6% against last quarter and profit after tax of the company increased by 69% on the same period of last year.
- In quarter 2/2008, proceeds from liquidation of fixed assets made a supplement to profit; however, there is no such liquidation in quarter 3/2008.
> DPR: Explanation for business activities in quarter 3/2008 (28/10/2008)
> PRUBF1: NAV from 16 Oct 2008 to 23 Oct 2008 (28/10/2008)
> VTC: Explanation for business activities in quarter 3/2008 (28/10/2008)
> VTC: Business result in Q3/08 (28/10/2008)
> NKD: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (28/10/2008)
> SHC: Trading Result (Luu Thi Van) (28/10/2008)
> VFC: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (28/10/2008)
> ACL: Dividend Advance and Extraordinary Meeting (28/10/2008)
> CYC: No trading of treasury stock (28/10/2008)
> GIL: Extension for submitting financial statement in Q3/08 (28/10/2008)