VTC: Business result in Q3/08
VTC Telecommunications Joint Stock Company (VTC) has informed of business result in Q3/08 as follows:
* Decrease of sales:
- Facing difficulties of payment in cash, high interest rate, the business proactively limited trading to minimize risks.
- Most of customers use telephone scratching cards which have cheap price. Thus although consumption of the kind of cards increased, sales still decreased 36.45% compared to that in Q2/08.
* Increase of expenses:
- Expenses of loan rate were high, increasing 41.4% compared to Q2/08.
- Foreign exchange rate highly fluctuated which led to losses of importing orders with the amount of VND98,721,405
> NKD: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (28/10/2008)
> SHC: Trading Result (Luu Thi Van) (28/10/2008)
> VFC: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (28/10/2008)
> ACL: Dividend Advance and Extraordinary Meeting (28/10/2008)
> CYC: No trading of treasury stock (28/10/2008)
> GIL: Extension for submitting financial statement in Q3/08 (28/10/2008)
> SMC: Resignation of a member of the Supervisory Board (28/10/2008)
> VPL: Insider Trading (28/10/2008)
> ALT: Business result in Q3/08 (28/10/2008)
> TSC: Insider trading (Mr. Nguyen Xuan Khoa) (28/10/2008)