Tuesday, 16/09/2008 17:42

SVC: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR

-          Name of issuer: Saigon General Service Corporation

-          Stock code: SVC

-          Name of person discharging managerial responsibility: Mr. Nguyen Vinh Tho

-          Position in the listed company: Chairman of the Board of Directos and General Manager

-          Securities type: Common stock

-          Number of shares held by registered shareholder: 87,700 shares

-          Number of shares acquired: 42,500 shares.

-          Total holding following transaction: 130,200 shares

-          Date of transaction: From 12/08/2008 to 12/09/2008


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>   VFMVF4: NAV from 4 Sep 2008 to 11 Sep 2008 (16/09/2008)

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