SDC: Explanation for differences in Quarter II/2008 Financial statement
Song Da Consulting JSC handed in Quarter II/2008 Financial statement as required by HaSTC. However, during the book keeping operation at enterprises directly under the Company, there have been differences in some financial items compared to the Financial Statement reported to HaSTC as follows:
1. Financial expenses increased by VND 1,410,229 because of difference in exchange rate at the time investor paid for the survey at Xeka man 3 hydropower structure in Lao.
2. Operating income in Xeka man 3 hydropower structure decreased VND 85,613,773 because coefficient of special allowance unit price for employees in the construction budget decreased from 1.35 to 1.01.
3. Difference of 1 unit in general and administration expenses is due to arithmetic calculation.
4. Financial expenses increased sharply in comparison with Quarter I/2008 because the Company paid interest expenses every 6 months for medium-term loans.