VKP: Trading of major shareholder
VIKY Plastic Joint Stock Company (VIKY PLASTIC Co.) has disclosed trading of major shareholder as follows:
* Stock symbol: VKP
* Trader: Dai Viet Securities Incorporation
* Owning volume before trading: 1,040,030 shares (13%)
* Sold volume: 80,000 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 960,030 shares (12%)
* Trading period: from September 3rd 2008 to September 4th 2008
> STP: Results of transactions of principal shareholders (15/09/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Admission in principle of listing of Vinacomin Cao Son Coal JSC (15/09/2008)
> SD2: Plan of private placement (15/09/2008)
> HYCO 4 : Information of Auction Registration (15/09/2008)
> Stock market suffers under large sell offs (15/09/2008)
> Market could fall further before rebounding: analyst (15/09/2008)
> VDSC: Sets up order-receiving agency (15/09/2008)
> SHC: Trading result (Hoang Van Khuong) (15/09/2008)
> MHC: Implementation of resolution of the shareholders’ meeting (15/09/2008)
> RHC: Trading of funds (15/09/2008)