COM: Business result in the first 8 months 2008
Materials - Petroleum Joint Stock Company (COMECO) has informed of business result in the first 8 months 2008 as follows:
* Openning a gas station No.31 at 439 Phan Van Tri, Ward 5, Go Vap Dist. on September 17th 2008.
* The first advanced dividend payment in cash for 2008 with ratio of 6%/chartered capital.
* The ex-right date: September 17th 2008
* Payment date: October 8th 2008.
* COMECO has been approved of buying 200,000 shares back for treasury stock. Implementation period: from15/09/2008 to 15/12/2008.
* Setting up the hot line: 9204444
* Business result in the first 8 months 2008:
- Sales: VND2,089.6 billion, gaining 81.85% compared to plan in 2008 and 157.32% compared to the same period 2007.
- Profit after tax: VND13.2 billion, gaining 82.75% compared to plan in 2008 and 159.44% compared to the same period 2007.