ST8: Insider Trading
Sieu Thanh Joint-Stock Corporation has announced the trading result of an insider as follows:
Stock symbol: ST8
Trader: Mr. Do Quoc Lam
Position in the listed firm: Director
Current owning volume: 56,960 shares
Volume registered to sell: 20,000 shares
Owning volume after trading: 36,960 shares
Trading period: from July 4th, 2008 to July 8th, 2008
> BT6: Insider Trading (04/07/2008)
> PVD: Insider Trading (04/07/2008)
> VKP: Resolution of Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2008 (04/07/2008)
> SSC suggests extending deadline for capital increase (03/07/2008)
> GTA: Insider trading (03/07/2008)
> BMC: Approval for additional listing (03/07/2008)
> DTT: Purchase land and factory (03/07/2008)
> PAC: Revenue in first six months (03/07/2008)
> TAC: Resolution of the BOD (03/07/2008)
> Mekong firm aims to launch airline (03/07/2008)