EVN’s six-month power purchase increases by 25 percent
The Viet Nam Electricity Corporation (EVN) had to buy 11.1 billion kWh from other power companies in the first six months of this year, up 25.2 percent over the same period last year.
According to EVN, the power production faced more difficulties in the period due to the weather conditions that much reduced the water flow to its reservoirs.
In addition, the electricity demand was likely to sharply increase as the prices of gas and petroleum have become higher than power prices.
EVN in the past six months increased its total output to 36.4 billion kWh, a 14.8 percent year-on-year increase.
It sold about 31.8 billion kWh, up 15.6 percent over the same period last year.
The corporation has put into operation two turbines in the Tuyen Quang Hydro-electricity Power Plant and the second turbines in the Dai Ninh Hydro-electricity Power Plant to add 378 MW to the national grid.
It also increased the output of hydro-electricity power plants by 25 percent to 9.4 billion kWh.