- 1990: Overseas Labour Service Station under International Cooperation Department (now Overseas Labour Department) under Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs was established;
- 11 December 1997: Renamed as International Manapower Supply and Trade Company under the Decision No.1505/LDTBXH-QD issued by Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs;
- 2010: Renamed as International Manapower Supply and Trade One-Member Limited Company under the Decision No.808/LDTBXH-QD issued by Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs;
- 29 May 2015: Initial Public Offering (IPO) was launched at Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) with average winning bid of VND10,163 per share;
- 11 November 2015: Transformed into International Manapower Supply and Trade Joint Stock Company with a charter capital of VND97,299,300,000 under the business registration certificate No.0100110415 issued for the first time by Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment;
- 05 January 2018: Traded on UPCOM market;