- 1970: Ha Noi Synthetic Paint Joint Stock Company was originally known as Ha Noi Synthetic Paint Enterprise under management of Viet Nam Chemical Corporation established.
- In 1993: Renamed as Ha Noi Synthetic Paint Joint Stock Company and operated under a State-Enterprise.
- Jan 01, 2006: the Company officially came into joint stock company model.
- June 14, 2007: Increased charter capital to VND60.92 billion.
- April 25, 2008: the Company became one of the first members of Viet Nam Paint - Ink Association.
- August 14, 2007: Approved to become a Pubic Company.
- May 15, 2008: Increased charter capital to VND 60.92 billion.
- March 12, 2009: Increased charter capital to VND 80.94 billion.
- May 20, 2009: Increased charter capital to VND 83.27 billion.
- October 18, 2016: Increased charter capital to VND 120.27 billion.
- March 30, 2020: Traded on UPCOM market.