VDP: VDP signs an Auditing Contract
Vidipha Central Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company has signed an auditing contract with AASC auditing firm company limited (AASC) to audit its financial statements in 2023.
> REE: REE signs an Auditing Contract (16/06/2023)
> TCB: Granting the credit limit to OMD (16/06/2023)
> ELC: Signing the agreement with TTP (16/06/2023)
> IBC: Overcome the status of trading restriction (16/06/2023)
> DSN: Signing the agreement with AASC (16/06/2023)
> GMC: Signing agreement with AASCS (16/06/2023)
> TDM: Signing the agreement with AASC (16/06/2023)
> NNC: Signing agreement with AASCS (16/06/2023)
> MBB: Signing the agreement with KPMG (16/06/2023)
> SBT: Approving the transaction with related parties (16/06/2023)