HTL: Resolution on the AGM 2023 On May 11, 2023, Truong Long Engineering And Auto Joint Stock Company announces the resolution of annual general meeting 2023 to approve the following contents:
1) The AGM approved the report of the Board of Directors.
2) The AGM approved the report of the Supervisory Board.
3) The AGM approved the audited financial statements in 2022.
4) The AGM approved the 2022 profit allocation and dividend payment in 2022:
- Retaining profit of previous year: 75,347,528,278 dongs
- Profit after tax in 2022: 37,001,799,580 dongs
- Dividend: less than 20%.
5) The AGM approved the business plan in 2023:
- Revenue: 614,252,886,130 dongs
- Gross profit: 49,079,676,819 dongs
- Net sales: 21,941,120,604 dongs
- Other profits: 9,177,175,960 dongs
- Profit before tax: 12,462,311,664 dongs
- Profit after tax: 9,969,849,331 dongs.
6) The AGM approved the 2023 profit distribution plan
7) The AGM approved the remuneration of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board in 2022 and plan for 2023.
8) The AGM approved the selection of the auditor for the financial statements in 2023.
9) The AGM approved the Proposal to resign member of the Board of Directors for the term 2022-2027.
10) The AGM approved the Proposal to resign member of the Supervisory Board for the term 2022-2027
11) The AGM approved the additional election of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Viet Hang as member of the Supervisory Board for the term 2022-2027.
12) The AGM approved the amendment of the Company’s charter. HOSE