VIP: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2023 Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank announced the resolution of 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) dated April 14, 2023 as follows:
Article 1: The AGM approved the report of the BOD and the BOS:
1.1.The AGM approved the report of the Board of Directors.
1.2.The AGM approved the report on business result in 2022:
- Revenue: VND1,123,176,112,052
- Profit before tax: VND308,799,969,464
- Profit before tax: VND247,545,365,617.
1.3.The AGM approved the report on business result for 2023:
- Revenue: VND532,768,378,000
- Profit before tax: VND98,024,587,000
- Profit before tax: VND78,419,670,000
- Dividend: 10%/year.
1.4.The AGM approved the audited financial statements in 2022.
1.5.The AGM approved to distributed the 2022 additional fund
1.6.The AGM approved the report of the Supervisory Board.
Article 2: This resolution shall take effect from the date of signing. HOSE