HOSE: Proprietary Trading (18 May 2023)
Proprietary Trading Day 18 May 2023 as follows:
> TGG: Reminder of information disclosure (2nd) (18/05/2023)
> SC5: BOD resolution dated May 16, 2023 (18/05/2023)
> SAM: Loan at Maritime Bank (18/05/2023)
> TDP: Receiving the transfer of shares (18/05/2023)
> CNG: CNG chooses PwC Vietnam as 2023 auditing firm (18/05/2023)
> OCB: BOD resolution dated May 16, 2023 (18/05/2023)
> TTB: Overcome the status of controlled securities (18/05/2023)
> HPX: HPX changed from being controlled to trading restriction (18/05/2023)
> IBC: IBC changed from being controlled status to trading restriction (18/05/2023)
> TVB: TVB changed from being controlled status to restriction (18/05/2023)