FPT: Report on result of stock issuance under ESOP
Report on result of stock issuance under ESOP of FPT Corporation as follows:
> TDP: BoD approves to issue shares the dividend payment (11/05/2023)
> OCB: Plan for increasing charter capital (11/05/2023)
> MWG: Result of the decrease in charter capital (10/05/2023)
> SSB: Increasing charter capital (10/05/2023)
> REE: SSC received the dossier of stock issuance for dividend payment (10/05/2023)
> PSH: Approval for the transfer of contributed capital (09/05/2023)
> HVH: BOD resolution on planning to issue shares for dividend payment (09/05/2023)
> BID: Notice of representative of capital in BIDV (09/05/2023)
> HAX: Plan for stock issuance to pay dividend in 2022 (09/05/2023)
> GMH: Plan for stock issuance to raise capital (09/05/2023)