EMC: Resolution on the AGM 2023 On April 18, 2023, Thu Duc Electro Mechanical Joint Stock Company announced the resolution of annual general meeting 2023 to approve the following contents:
1) The AGM approved the report of the Board of Directors and plan for 2022.
2) The AGM approved the business result in 2022.
3) The AGM approved the report of the Supervisory Board and plan for 2022.
4) The AGM approved the report of independent member of the BOD of the Audit Committee.
5) The AGM approved the audited financial statement in 2022.
6) The AGM approved the proposal on the selection of one of the auditors for the financial statements in 2023.
7) The AGM approved the proposal on authorizing the BOD to handle transactions, investment with related parties
8) The AGM approved the proposal on the business result in 2022 and plan for 2023.
9) The AGM approved the remuneration of the BOD and Supervisory Board, salary of Chairman of the BOD, General Director, Head of the Internal Audit in 2023’
10) The AGM approved the company charter.
11) The AGM approved the proposal on delisted share and solution plan for shareholderss’ rights.
12) The AGM approved the personnel change and the selection result of the BOD for the term 2023 – 2028:
- Mr. Nguyen Van Hang – Member of the BOD
- Mr. Vo Tien Dung – Member of the BOD
- Mr. Ho Dac Ngoc – Independent member
- Mr. Hoang Minh Bach - Member of the BOD
- Mr. Nguyen Van Tho - Independent member