NNC: Resolution on the AGM 2023 On April 17, 2023, Nui Nho Stone Co-Operation announces the resolution of annual general meeting 2023 to approve the following contents:
1) The AGM approved the business plan in 2023:
- Revenue: 137,000,000,000 dongs
- Profit: 22,000,000,000 dongs
2) The AGM approved the profit allocation in 2022:
- Investment and development fund: 8,335,628,668 dongs
- Welfare and reward fund: 2,083,907,167 dongs
- Reward fund for the BOD and Supervisory Board: 625,172,150 dongs
- Reward fund for the Executive Board: 625,172,150 dongs
- Dividend fund: 30,008,263,207 dongs
- Dividend: 5% (VND500/share)
3) The AGM approved the plan for profit allocation in 2023:
- Investment and development fund: 20%/ Net income after taxes
- Welfare and reward fund: 5%/ Net income after taxes
- Reward fund for the BOD and Supervisory Board: 1.5%/ Net income after taxes
- Reward fund for the Executive Board: 1.5%/ Net income after taxes
- Dividend fund: 72%/ Net income after taxes
4) The AGM approved the transactions with Binh Duong Building Materials and Construction Corporation (related party of insider).
5) The AGM approved the authorization for the BOD to select the audit firm for the financial statements in 2023.
6) The AGM approved the authorization for the BOD to receive the transfer of land use right in Mui Tau quarry and invest the factory in Binh Phuoc. HOSE