ITD: Result of the ESOP
Innovative Technology Development Corporation has reported the result of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) as follows:
I. Information on stock:
II. Result:
> GIL: Change of charter capital (21/02/2023)
> TCD: Adjustment of capital use purpose from the private placement (20/02/2023)
> BCE: Report on using capital from the offering (17/02/2023)
> CSTB02MBS22CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (16/02/2023)
> SSB: Increasing charter capital (16/02/2023)
> CVPB02MBS22CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (16/02/2023)
> CVRE02MBS22CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (16/02/2023)
> CTCB02MBS22CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (16/02/2023)
> CSTBO2MBS22CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (16/02/2023)
> CMWG02MBS22CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (16/02/2023)