TMS: Increasing contributed capital in Mipec
The Board resolution dated November 07, 2022, the BOD of Transimex Corporation approved to increase the contributed capital in Mipec Port Joint Stock Company according to the plan for purchasing shares that issued by Mipec Port Joint Stock Company.
> FRT: Increasing capital in subsidiary (08/11/2022)
> SFI: Approving the Regulation of stock issuance under ESOP (08/11/2022)
> LBM: Notice of stock issuance for the dividend payment (08/11/2022)
> TV2: Notice of the record date for stock issuance (08/11/2022)
> HBC: Result of the ESOP (08/11/2022)
> HBC: Updating charter capital after increasing capital (08/11/2022)
> LPB: SSC received the materials of report on stock issuance for dividend payment (07/11/2022)
> TV2: SSC received the materials of report on stock issuance for dividend payment (07/11/2022)
> EMC: Board resolution on borrowing capital from Techcombank (07/11/2022)
> HAX: Board approves the suspension of documents of the share issue (07/11/2022)