THG: Result of stock issuance for 2021 dividend payment Tien Giang Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company reports the result of stock issuance for 2021 dividend payment to existing shareholders as follows:
- Information on stock:
- Plan to deal with fractional shares: The distributed shares will be rounded down to units, the fractional shares (if any) will be cancelled.
- Result:
- Number of distributed shares: 3,992,587 shares; Of which:
- Stock name: Tien Giang Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
- Number of shares issued: 15,971,306 shares
- Number of outstanding shares: 15,971,306 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 0 share
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 3,992,826 shares
- Exercise ratio: 100:25 (Those who own 100 shares will receive 25 new shares).
- Ending date: June 03, 2022
- Time for transferring shares: expected in July 2022
- Number of distributed shares to shareholders according to the rate: 3,992,587 shares for 1,559 shareholders;
- Number of fractional shares: 239 shares (These shares will be cancelled).
- Total shares after the issuance (June 03, 2022): 19,963,893 shares; Of which:
- Number of outstanding shares: 19,963,893 shares
Number of treasury shares: 0 share. HOSE