DIG: Report on ownership changes of major shareholder (Him Lam Land Corp)
Report on ownership changes of major shareholder (Him Lam Land Corp) of Development Investment Construction Joint Stock Corporation as follows:
> SSB: Notification affiliated person trade (20/04/2022)
> TEG: Notification affiliated person trade (20/04/2022)
> LPB: Report insider transaction (20/04/2022)
> HBC: Report affiliated person trade (20/04/2022)
> ANV: Report affiliated person trade (20/04/2022)
> C32: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (20/04/2022)
> UIC: Report on the day no longer being major shareholder (KB VIETNAM QVM SECURITIES MASTER FUND (EQUITY)) (19/04/2022)
> DGW: BOD resolution on share buyback (19/04/2022)
> TNC: Notification insider transaction (19/04/2022)
> VTO: Report insider transaction (19/04/2022)