TEG: Notification affiliated person trade
Notification affiliated person trade of Truong Thanh Energy and Real Estate Joint Stock Company as follows:
> LPB: Report insider transaction (20/04/2022)
> HBC: Report affiliated person trade (20/04/2022)
> ANV: Report affiliated person trade (20/04/2022)
> C32: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (20/04/2022)
> UIC: Report on the day no longer being major shareholder (KB VIETNAM QVM SECURITIES MASTER FUND (EQUITY)) (19/04/2022)
> DGW: BOD resolution on share buyback (19/04/2022)
> TNC: Notification insider transaction (19/04/2022)
> VTO: Report insider transaction (19/04/2022)
> PLP: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (19/04/2022)
> PAC: Notification affiliated person trade (19/04/2022)