E1VFVN30: Announcement after exchange trading 03 Mar 2022
Announcement after exchange trading 03 Mar 2022 of DCVFMVN30 ETF as follows:
> Masan's (MSN) acquisition of Phuc Long's stakes showcases the leading advisory expertise of VCSC (07/03/2022)
> Điểm tin giao dịch 04.03.2022 (04/03/2022)
> Market Summary 04.03.2022 (04/03/2022)
> GTN removed from VNMidcap VN100 VNAllshare & VNX Allshare (04/03/2022)
> MSB: Office leasing contract between MSB and TNL (04/03/2022)
> DRH: Approval of the record date to implement rights to buy shares (04/03/2022)
> APSC: Adjustment to the record date to implement rights to buy shares (04/03/2022)
> HOSE: Index Factsheet (Data as at: 28 Feb 2022) (04/03/2022)
> DCL: Approval of the time to implement rights to buy shares (04/03/2022)