TN1: Board resolution on the changes in the public offering of bonds
The BoD of TNS Holdings approved the adjustment of Board Resolution No.31/2021 dated 09/23/2021 with the following main contents:
Before adjustment
After adjustment
Estimated issue time
in Quarter IV/2021 – Quarter I/2022
Within 90 days from the effective date of the certificate for public offering issued by the State Securities Commission
Interest rate
- For the first year: 10%/year.
- For next years: 2.5% + a reference rate.
- For next years: 3% + a reference rate.
Redemption before maturity
Negotiated between the issuer and bondholders
There is no redemption clause, except when the issuer repurchases the bond as required by law or upon the occurrence of a Default Event.
Issue agent
MBS and /or qualified financial intermediaries.
MBS, KBSV, HDBS, Pinetree Securities.
> TTE: Board resolution on the use of bond capital (21/12/2021)
> VND: Announcement of bond public offering Certificate (21/12/2021)
> AAA: Result of private placement of bonds (21/12/2021)
> HDB: Adjusting the plan of bond issuance (21/12/2021)
> Nui Phao Mining Company Ltd: Announcement of trading switch of bonds of Nui Phao Mining to HNX (21/12/2021)
> MSN: Announcement of trading switch of bonds to HNX (20/12/2021)
> KDH: Report on bond redemption results (20/12/2021)
> NVL: Approved the bond issuance (17/12/2021)
> AGG: Approved the bond issuance (17/12/2021)
> VCSC: Early redemption of the bonds in the second private placement (16/12/2021)