TGG: Contributing capital in AMC
The Board resolution dated October 25, 2021, the Board of Directors of Louis Capital Joint Stock Company approved the policy to contribute capital in Louis AMC Joint Stock Company (is party related to Mr. Ngo Thuc Vu – member of BOD cum Chief of Executive Officer of the Company). Details are as follows:
- Total amount (estimated): 5,000,000,000 dongs
- Contributing form: to buy shares due to Louis AMC Joint Stock Company offered
- Estimated ownership ratio after completing: 20% charter capital.
> NKG: Approved the dossier of registration for stock issuance under ESOP (01/11/2021)
> CVHM2109: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (29/10/2021)
> CKDH2106: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (29/10/2021)
> CMBB2105: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (29/10/2021)
> KHP: BoD approves to issue shares to the dividend payment (29/10/2021)
> HDB: Updating the increased charter capital (29/10/2021)
> PC1: List of internal persons and affiliates registering to purchase ESOP shares (28/10/2021)
> LGL: Approved the stock issuance to pay dividend for 2019 (27/10/2021)
> MSB: SSC approved the result of stock issuance to pay dividend (27/10/2021)