APEC: Approved the bond private placement The Board resolution dated November 12, 2021, the BOD of Asia – Pacific Securities Joint Stock Company approved the plan for bond private placement with details as follows:
- Total value of issuance: VND400,000,000,000
- Bond type: non-convertible bond, unsecured
- Interest rate: 12%/year, term: 03 years:
+ APSH2124001 bond with total value of VND100,000,000,000.
+ APSH2124002 bond with total value of 100,000,000,000.
- Interest rate: 11%/year, term: 03 years:
+ APSH2124003 bond with total value of VND100,000,000,000.
+ APSH2124004 bond with total value of VND100,000,000,000. HOSE