TTB: Explanation for late publication of capital use report On July 12, 2021, Tien Bo Joint Stock Company (stock code: TTB) sent a document to the Hochiminh Stock Exchange to explain the late publication of capital use report. Accordingly, on June 05, 2021, TTB disclosed information on capital use report from the issuance to increase its charter capital from VND193,500,000,000 to VND387,000,000,000 for the period from July 01, 2019 to December 31, 2020. As planned, TTB signed an agreement with TTP Auditing Co., Ltd. to perform the audit of capital use report from the issuance to increase its charter capital from VND193,500,000,000 for the period from January 01, 2021 to July 31, 2021; and the Company will then announce the capital use report in the 2021 Annual General Meeting, expected on August 28, 2021. HOSE