IBC: Contributing capital in Apax Infra
Contributing capital in Apax Infra of Apax Holdings Joint Stock Company as follows:
> VPG: Increasing charter capital (20/07/2021)
> VDSC: Increasing charter capital (20/07/2021)
> TCD: Increasing charter capital and amending charter (19/07/2021)
> SRF: Implementing the plan for stock issuance for 2020 dividend payment (19/07/2021)
> VDS: Result of stock issuance for dividend payment (19/07/2021)
> NAF: Notice of ESOP 2020 (19/07/2021)
> SHI: Result of stock issuance for dividend payment (19/07/2021)
> OCB: SSC approved the documents of stock issuance for dividend payment (19/07/2021)
> VDS: Viet Dragon Securities Corp increases capital (19/07/2021)
> VDSC: Result of stock issuance to pay dividend (16/07/2021)