CII: Result of stock issuance to convert bond Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company announces the result of stock issuance for bond conversion as follows:
I. Stock issuance plan to convert bond:
1) Bond name: Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company Bond
2) Bond type: convertible bonds into shares, unsecured and without warrants
3) Bond code: CII42013
4) Stock name: Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company
5) Stock type: common share, freely transferable
6) Number of shares expected to be issued: 41,426 shares
7) Convertible price: VND22,784/share
8) Convertible date: May 07, 2021
9) Time for transferring shares: expected in May 28, 2021
II. Result:
1) Number of distributed shares: 41,426 shares, equivalent to 100% total shares expected to be issued.
2) Total shares after the issuance (May 28, 2021): 283,209,578 shares; Of which:
- Number of outstanding shares: 238,879,708 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 44,329,870 shares. HOSE