VIB: Resolution on capital increase
On May 26, 2021, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank (VIB) decided that June 10, 2021 would be the record date for closing a shareholder list to receive bonus shares with a ratio of 40% from the owner’s capital in order to increase the Bank’s charter capital from 11,093,878,520,000 dongs to 15,531,429,930,000 dongs.
> KDH: Notice of stock issuance for dividend payment & the ESOP (02/06/2021)
> GEX: The record date for a share issuance (02/06/2021)
> MIG: Increasing charter capital (01/06/2021)
> VCI: Increasing charter capital (01/06/2021)
> DNSE: Implementing the plan for stock issuance to raise capital (28/05/2021)
> MSN: Stock issuance under ESOP (28/05/2021)
> DGW: List of internal persons & related persons to buy ESOP shares (28/05/2021)
> DGW: Result of stock issuance under ESOP (28/05/2021)
> TEG: Board approves the dossiers of stock issuance to raise capital (28/05/2021)