FUCVREIT: Resolution of annual general meeting of the fiscal year 2020 Techcom Vietnam REIT Fund announces the Resolution of Annual General Meeting of investors for the fiscal year 2020, which was convened on April 27, 2021 as follows:
Article 1: Approving the report on business performance for the fiscal year ended at 12/31/2020.
Article 2: Approving the report of the supervisory bank.
Article 3: Approving the audited financial statements.
Article 4: Approving not to distribute the 2020’s profit.
- The 2021 dividend payment: 40%/par value (VND1,400/certificate fund)
Article 5: Approving the operating plan for 2021.
Article 6: Approving the expense plan for the Representative Board.
Article7: Approving to select Ernst & Young Viet Nam Co., Ltd. to audit FUCVREIT’s financial statements for the fiscal year ended at 12/31/2021.
Article 8: This resolution shall take effect from the date of signing. HOSE