NNC: Information of the business result in 2020
The Board resolution dated March 02, 2021, the BOD of Information of the business result in 2020 approve the following issues:
1) Approving the business result in 2020:
- Revenue: 411, 751 million dongs
- Profit: 138,371 million dongs.
2) Approving the business plan in the Quarter 1/2021:
- Revenue: 59,000 million dongs
- Profit: 10,000 million dongs.
> VNL: Holding AGM 2021 & dividend payment (03/03/2021)
> ECC: BOD resolution on the record date to hold AGM 2021 (03/03/2021)
> ASG: Terminating operation of Thai Nguyen branch (03/03/2021)
> ILB: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2021 (03/03/2021)
> GDT: Record date for AGM 2021 (03/03/2021)
> SSB: BOD resolution on the record date to hold AGM 2021 (03/03/2021)
> FIT: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2021 (03/03/2021)
> BCE: BOD resolution on the record date to hold AGM 2021 (03/03/2021)
> DCL: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2021 (03/03/2021)
> NNC: Notice of the record date to hold AGM 2021 (03/03/2021)