CNG: BOD resolution on the business plan in 2021
The Board resolution dated January 28, 2021, the BOD of CNG Viet Nam Joint Stock Company approved the business result in 2021:
- Total revenue: 2,371.34 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 60.08 billion dongs
- Profit after tax: 48.06 billion dongs
- To pay the state budget: 30.00 billion dongs
- Dividend ratio: 15%.
> CRE: Board resolution on real estate investment in Ha Noi city (01/02/2021)
> VIB: Changes in 34th Business Registration Certificate (01/02/2021)
> VND: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2021 (01/02/2021)
> ACC: Record date for Annual General Meeting 2020 (01/02/2021)
> MSB: Notice of the record date for the 2021 AGM (01/02/2021)
> CVT: Notice of the record date for the 2021 AGM (01/02/2021)
> VHM: Explanation for the Q4.2020 financial statements (01/02/2021)
> CIG: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2021 (01/02/2021)
> OGC: BODs Resolution on business plan in 2021 (01/02/2021)
> NHSV: Setting up a Branch (29/01/2021)