TCM: Result of stock issuance to raise capital Thanh Cong Textile Garment Investment Trading Joint Stock Company reports the result of stock issuance to raise capital from the owner’s equity as follows:
1) Information on stock:
- Stock name: Thanh Cong Textile Garment Investment Trading Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
- Number of outstanding shares: 57,916,468 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 100,450 shares
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 4,054,152 shares
- Purpose to issue shares: to issue shares for capital increase from the owner’s equity.
- Ex-right date: April 27, 2018
- Record date: July 27, 2020
- Expected trading date: September 30, 2020
2) Result of stock issuance:
- Number of distributed shares: 4,051,431 shares
- Number of distributed shareholders: 8,011 shareholders
- Plan to deal with fractional shares: The distributed shares will be rounded down, the fractional shares will be cancelled.
- Number of current shares on July 27, 2020: 266,389,007 shares; Of which:
+ Number of outstanding shares: 61,967,899 shares
+ Number of treasury shares: 100,450 shares. HOSE