SAM: Periodic report on bond interest & principal payment
SAM Holdings Corporation reports the payment of interest and principal of corporate bond as follows:
> TCD: Board resolution on convertible bond issuance (04/08/2020)
> IDJ: Result of issuance of bond packages IBond_2020.14.10, IBond_2020.15.10, IBond_2020.16.10, IBond_2020.17.10, and IBond_2020.18.10 (04/08/2020)
> CTG: Result of the first bond issuance in 2020 (04/08/2020)
> Over 2.5 billion USD in G-bonds sold in July (04/08/2020)
> VHM11801: Notice of interest rate for the 5th bond interest payment (03/08/2020)
> ANC11607: Announces the record date for bond interest payment (03/08/2020)
> ANC11601: Announces the record date for bond interest payment (03/08/2020)
> HNX: Trading results of corporate bonds on 03/08/2020 (03/08/2020)
> TVSI: Board approves to issue corporate bonds (31/07/2020)