VHM: Resolution of General Meeting of Shareholders Vinhomes Joint Stock Company (VHM) announces the Resolution General Meeting of Shareholders in form of collecting shareholders’ opinions in writing dated July 08, 2020 with the following contents:
1) Approving the resignation of member of BOD – Mr. Nguyen Viet Quang.
2) Approving the regulation on the additional election of member of BOD.
3) Approving the list of members of BOD for the term 2018 – 2023:
- Mrs. Nguyen Dieu Linh: Chairwoman of BOD;
- Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong: member of BOD;
- Mrs. Cao Thi Ha An: member of BOD;
- Mr. Varun Kapur: Independent member of BOD;
- Mr. Mueen Uddeen: Independent member of BOD;
- Mr. Ashish Jaiprakash Shastry: member of BOD;
- Mr. Richard Hoang Quan: Independent member of BOD;
- Mr. Pham Thieu Hoa: member of BOD;
- Mr. Tran Kien Cuong: member of BOD. HOSE