VNS: Resolution on the AGM 2020 Vietnam Sun Corporation (VNS) announces the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2020 dated June 30, 2020 with the following contents:
1) The AGM approved the 2019 BOD report.
2) The AGM approved the Supervisory Board report.
3) The AGM approved the 2019 business result:
- Total revenue & other incomes: 2,083.5 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 139.02 billion dongs
- Profit after tax: 108.7 billion dongs.
4) The AGM approved the 2020 business plan:
- Total revenue & other incomes: 1,230 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: (115) billion dongs
- Profit after tax: (115) billion dongs.
5) The AGM approved the rate to pay cash dividend for 2019: 10% (1,000 dongs/share).
6) The AGM approved the selection of Ernst & Young Vietnam Com Ltd as the auditor for the financial statements in 2020.